Thursday, 17 February 2011

So, what make a good Wedding photograph?

This is one question that is so often discussed among professional wedding photographers that I don't think the definite answer has yet been formulated!  However there are certain basic elements required for an initial 'good' photograph that should come as second nature to any professional photographer such as sharpness, colour balance, contrast, lighting to name but a few.  A comment I hear regularly from couples who come to book me is that they 'hate having their photograph taken'. Welcome to the club!  I would say, from experience, that they are not alone and that most people are in the same boat myself included.  How a photographer approaches a wedding day and how he interacts with his clients plays a major roll in obtaining good images.  I tell all my couples that how their wedding photos turn out will depend on one simple fact - who much they are enjoying themselves and their day! Simple.

I like to get involved with the couple from the moment the day starts and embed myself in the days shoot. I will take last minute requests onboard and listen to any suggestion the couple may have if time prevails.
The image here is what I would regard as a very good wedding image for several reasons not least of all the good sunny day! The most important element here is the interaction between the couple themselves. They are very comfortable with each other and clearly enjoying the day. Because they both grew up near the beach they had requested a few shot there before going to the hotel. Just as I had finished some nice shots along the beach I noticed this small wall right infront of the surf shack and could just picture the final image in my head.  Although they were more than relaxed enough at this stage, I suggested the bride take her shoes off to empty out any sand she may have in them and to leave them off for the shot which she was more than happy to do. Very little further direction was required on my part.  All I said was ignore me, soak up the sun, enjoy the cool breeze and.......MAGIC!

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